Monday 29 June 2015

We will see who the better Hazard is - Thorgan Hazard

A third place finish in the Bundesliga for Borussia Monchegladbach means Thorgan Hazard could face his brother Eden Hazard in the Champions League next term. 

The 22-year-old told Bild;"My desire is for Chelsea to be among Gladbach's Champions League opponents this campaign," . "I've never played against my brother Eden competitively, that would be a great thing for our whole family.

He added, chuckling: "Then we can see who the better Hazard is!"

Thorgan also insisted he would be endeavouring to demonstrate why he deserves the No.10 jersey in his second campaign in German football.

"The No.10 position is my best position, but I do not know how the coach plans to play me," Hazard added. 

"I have shown that I can also play on the wing.

"I learned a lot last season, I think I became a better player. I was able to play in one of the strongest leagues 

in the world.

"Of course, I hope that next season I will play a bit more, but I know that the competition for places is huge. This is normal at a big club. I will work hard and have to play well to assert myself."

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