Monday 22 June 2015

Maradona to contend for FIFA President

According to reports in South America, Argentian legend Diego Maradona wants to contest for FIFA presidency to succeed Sepp Blatter. 

According to Uruguayan broadcaster and writer, Victor Hugo Morales, the 54-year-old is among those who have criticised Blatter for the way he has runned the organistion. The former manager and captain has decided to stand himself in the position of been the most powerful man in the world of soccer.

Diego maradona wants to stand for FIFA prseidency, says Uruguayan broadcaster Victor Hugo Morales

Morales tweeted: 'I called Diego Maradona to check on his father's (health). He told me that he would be a candidate for president of FIFA and that I was authorised to communicate it.

'I am a candidate'. Those were the words that Diego Maradona replied when I consulted him for the nomination for the presidency of FIFA. In Maym Maradona launched a scathing attack on Blatter saying: 'Under Sepp Blatter, FIFA has become a disgrace and a painful embarssment to those of us who care about football deeply.

Maradona takes a swipe at Sepp Blatter lat month.

'We have a dictator for life. I call Blatter 'the man of ice' because he lacks yhe inspiration and passion that are aththe heart of football. If this is the face of international football, we are in a very bad place'.

Candidates must gain nominations from at least five of the 209 national associations which make up FIFA.

Do you think Maradona has what it takes to be the head of the world governing football body? Leve a comment.

Source: Daily Mail.

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