Saturday 27 June 2015

Japan striker signs for Leciester

Leciester City have secured the signing of Japanese Striker Okazaki from Mainz on a four-year deal to bolster their strike force.

He has scored 43 goals in 93 games for Japan and struck nine times in the Bundesliga for Mainz last season.

Okazaki told the Club official website this: 'I am very happy to be here. To play in the Premier League is my dream and I will make every effort to help the team here at Leicester City.

'I will do my best to show how I can play and try to make a lot of goals for the supporters.

'I watched every match (last season) in the Premier League not all of them are easy. There were hard games.

'In the last few games the crowd were great and the players responded. It was an amazing result at the end of the season.'

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