Monday 29 June 2015

Gary Neville destroyed a Liverpool fan on Twitter

A poor soul named David Thompson has been publically and emphatically destroyed by Gary Neville on Twitter.
The Old Trafford legend is currently trying to get former Liverpool star Jamie Carragher to wear a Manchester United shirt after winning a bet.
Carragher bet his Sky Sports pundit pal that Tottenham's £17m man Paulinho would score 15 goals in one season. He didn't.
Now Neville is making sure Carragher follows through with his forfeit of wearing the shirt, even though the former Anfield defender looks to be trying to get out of it.
Liverpool fan David Thompson (although we assume not the former Liverpool player) then tried to troll Neville in response to his tweet to Carragher.
The fan tweeted; 
''@Carra23 @GNev2 Don't even dare put that sh*t stained rag on'll catch all manner of diseases!!''
Nevile replied saying;
''Worth a try he might catch that disease called " Winning" and spread it through your lot!''

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