Friday 3 July 2015

Gerrard turned down European move

Former England captain Gerrard is looking forward to a fresh start after admitting he wanted a new challenge.
"I had some nice opportunities around Europe," he told Galaxy TV.

"But I wanted a completely fresh challenge, to come out of my comfort zone, live away from home and get a different life experience and choose a place where my family can enjoy themselves and settle.
"When I retire from football in a few years time I want to say I did try something different and didn't stay in the same place - although I loved every minute of it."
Gerrard has had to counter accusations he will have an easy life in MLS having played so long in the Premier League, but he is determined not to allow his personal standards to slip.
"I've been working really hard alone to make sure my physical condition is still good and to make sure I still have my strength because when I turn up at Los Angeles I want to be ready to go," he said.
"I don't want any excuses that I need weeks or a month to get fitness, I'm trying to keep that level so I'm in good condition when I arrive.
"I like to give 100 per cent, work as hard as I can, I don't like losing, so I'll do everything I can to try to win football matches.
"I'm a team player, I'm no individual, I never think about myself - it's all about the team and what I can bring to the team to help us win."

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